Eligibility – Children | Medical Assistance It is the goal of DHHS and the Division of Family Assistance to ensure that each child in NH has access to quality health care. We do this by working in partnership with the medical and dental insurers, hospitals, community health centers, healthcare providers, schools and social service agencies across the state. https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dfa/medical/children.htm |
Area Agencies | Bureau of Developmental Services All developmental services offered are provided by contractual agreement between Bureau of Developmental Services and the following designated non-profit area agencies located throughout NH. https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/bds/agencies.htm |
Special Education | Division of Instruction Special Education provides oversight and implementation of federal and state laws that ensure a free appropriate public education for all children and youth with disabilities in New Hampshire. https://www.education.nh.gov/instruction/special_ed/index.htm |
Institute on Disability/UCED The IOD is dedicated to preparing leaders in disability-related fields through innovative learning experiences, interdisciplinary teaching models, and programs of study that incorporate universal design principles, include self-advocates’ perspectives, and employ varied instructional methods and formats. https://iod.unh.edu |
Parent Information Center of NH Welcome to the Parent Information Center of NH. T he Parent Information Center (PIC), a New Hampshire statewide family organization, strives to achieve positive outcomes for children and youth, with a focus on those with disabilities and special healthcare needs. This is achieved through its partnerships with families, educators, youth, professionals and organizations. https://www.picnh.org |
*Information was correct at the time of posting. Know of an addition to this list? Send it to us!